A CIO’s Greatest Asset: Their Strategic Partners

A CIO’s Greatest Asset: Their Strategic Partners

Do you dread sales calls and avoid them at all costs? I’m a salesperson, and I don’t blame you because I dread them too! I see companies that are littered with tone-deaf salespeople who ooze desperation and have ineffective listening skills – so choosing the right...
Ensure Business Continuity During a Pandemic

Ensure Business Continuity During a Pandemic

Businesses and the leaders within them are preoccupied, and rightfully so, with the coronavirus and its potential impact on the health of their company, both financially and physically. It’s a particularly stressful time for companies who are not used to having...
Nex-Gen Cybersecurity Threats

Nex-Gen Cybersecurity Threats

The next generation of cybersecurity threats has the IT industry on high alert. Sophisticated cyber-attacks that include phishing, malware, AI, cryptocurrency and more have placed the data and assets of companies and individuals at risk. Industries continue to suffer...
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